Public Records FAQ

  1. Are you looking for public records from Woodway, Washington? You're in the right place! Please submit your request.
  2. Are you looking for public records from Woodway, Texas? This is Woodway, Washington - please contact Woodway, Texas to obtain your records.
  3. Who is the Town's Public Records Officer? The Clerk-Treasurer is designated as Woodway's Public Records Officer.
  4.  What kind of records are exempt from disclosure? The Town is not required to permit public inspection and copying of records for which public disclosure of the record is prohibited, restricted or limited by state law or federal statute or regulation. The Town is prohibited by statute from disclosing lists of individuals for commercial purposes. RCW 42.56.070{9}
  • The Public Records Act provides that a number of types of documents are exempt from public inspection and copying. RCW 42.56.230 through 42.56.470 contains a large number of exemptions from public inspection and copying.
  • Other statutes outside the Public Records Act may prohibit and exempt disclosure of certain documents or information. RCW 42.56.070{1}. The Town's failure to list an exemption shall not affect the effectiveness of the exemption.
  1. Who can submit a Public Records Request? Anyone can submit a Public Records Request.
  2. How do I request a public document?  While there is no specific required format for a public records request, a requester must provide the Town with reasonable notice that the request being made is for public records.
  • The preferred method is to click on "MAKE REQUEST" on the top of this web portal and follow the prompts. (All requests, regardless of form received, will be entered and tracked through this portal.)
  • Record request forms are available at Town Hall.
  • Requests may be submitted in person, orally, by mail, fax, or e-mail. Mail, e-mail, and faxes will be considered received on the date the form is stamped "received", not on the date sent.
  1. What if I no longer need the requested document? If you no longer need the requested document, just notify the Town referencing the assigned record request number, and we will close the request.
  2. Do I have to give a reason for my request? For some requests, you may be asked to provide the reason for your request.
  • Sometimes when the request is vague or broad, knowing the reason for the request can assist staff in narrowing down the scope to specifically the records you need.
  • The Town cannot provide lists of individuals for commercial purposes.
  1. When will I receive a response to my Public Records Request?The Town must respond within five business days of receiving a public record request by:
  • Providing the record.
  • Acknowledge that the request has been received and provide a reasonable time estimate needed to respond to the request.
  • Deny the request.
  • Request clarification for vague or overly broad requests.
  1. How do I access my request once I’ve submitted it? Log in to this portal to view and/or download your documents.
  2. What fees are involved in making a Public Records Request? You will be charged for the documents/files received according to the current Fee Schedule.
  3. Who should I contact if I have questions for a specific department?
  • For Police records, visit the City of Edmonds public records portal.
  • For General (Non-Police) records choose the appropriate department when submitting your request through this portal (if known), or contact Town Hall at (206) 542-4443.